
Vestry Liaison: Jill Clotfelter

Provide oversight of the implementation of services; evaluate present and future worship programs; offer training for worship leaders; and ensure the availability of necessary worship resources; assist rector in planning and implementing details of worship (seasonal, special days e.g. graduates’ Sunday, etc.)

Youth and adults who assist the clergy in worship services.

Provides the necessary preparation and closing activities for all worship services, including weddings, funeral and the normal service schedule.

Assist in the administration of Holy Communion during services.


Read the lessons from Holy Scripture during worship services.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Offer pastoral visits with the administration of Holy Communion to home-bound or hospitalized parishioners

Provide music leadership for the worship services of the church.

Provide loving care to the youngest members of the parish during the 10:15 service.

Teams of two trained parishioners who record the pledge and plate offering into the financial records following the Sunday services.

Offer hospitality to guests and members by welcoming all, helping to orient newcomers, collect the offering, indicate to clergy those parishioners who are unable to receive Communion at the altar rail, and meet other needs to make the service worshipful.

We love St. Paul’s! We found a church home here when we saw how welcoming they were to people who were not cradle-Episcopalians. The congregation members are so caring, fun, and committed and a bonus is we found people whose perspectives and interests beyond the church were wide ranging and we fit right in.

I joined the Altar Guild! I enjoy serving on the Altar Guild because of the people I get to work with. It’s also a chance to use my creativity for a good cause at the holidays, to help make things special for our congregation.”
— Julie Abedian